martes, 28 de julio de 2020


Well, looking in the books that I have in pdf, I realise that I don't have a favorite author, I have three; Jane Austen, Virginia Wolf and Stephen King. 

I have to say that I love horror books but I hate horror movies, it's a weird thing but I prefer imagine things by myself than imagine by anything else. I also like romantic books but with old context, they're more interesting and questionable. I like feminism, gender and social books as well, and a lot of other kind of books.

"Jane Eyre" is my favorite book, I read it when i was finishing school and it open my mind in a beautiful way. It was written by Charlotte Brontë but in her time she has to use a man's name to publish, stupid thing, no?. I hope you could read it sometime if you want to know the life of an orphan girl and her good and bad adventures. An opposite book that I like is "The Shining" by Stephen King, it has a really good horror story. I love it.

The last book that I read was "King Kong theory" by Virginie Despentes. I totally recommend it. It's about feminism from the experience of actions that still normalize on this years that some people can't see or just not allowed to see for themselves.

Lately I haven't read a lot, because I wanna think to outside and when I read my thoughts go inside of me and mostly stay in my mind. Sometimes i like it, sometimes I don't. But if you want to read some of the books that I told you, good!.

martes, 14 de julio de 2020


I haven't had a lot of subjects this semester, so it's weird. But one of the subjects that i like most is Anatomy.

Now that I was thinking on the way that we have the classes, it's not common but according to the context, strangely it is. We join with a link to Zoom, and the class start. The teacher speaks while we're watching a power point, So we listen the things that he says and if we have a question we can open the microphone and ask him. 

First we saw the general things of the limbs (could be from the upper or lower body, it depends of the class) and then we focus on the osteology (bones), arthrology (joints) and myology (muscles). Also we analyse the movements depending of the part of the body that we are studying, how it moves, from where and with what. It's a deep content.

And that's why I like this subject because we focus on all the movements and parts of the body. Besides with that information we discover the possibilities of how we can move the body from inside to outside, not only from a superficial action. It is a very important thing and really interesting too.

domingo, 5 de julio de 2020


Well, I think I only did a bucket list in the new year when I was little. I wrote the things that I wanted to do in the year, then I buried them in the yard and finally I just had to wait until somethig happen. A belief that my mom told me once.

It's hard for me to know what I want to do in a near future because I usually don't plan things. I like to do things depending on the moment. But I've been thinking in some activities. Between them I want to travel a lot. I want to know Chile from north to south or festivities (specially the Torres del Paine or Tirana's party in the north) and go to Norway too. Also learn lenguages is somenthing that I wish to know so much, like norwegian, french, sing lenguage, mapudungun, among others. I would like to have my own house, give classes and give to my parents all that they deserve. 

I think that having a house i'ts difficult to achieve but not impossible because I like being changing the places where I live, but I hope someday have one place just for me. Also, I've been learning norwegian on my own and i learned a little of mapudungun last year. I've traveled to the south but I still don't know everything.

I feel like this activities only depends on me, besides, I enjoy doing things alone. Maybe i would like to travel with friends to anywhere, backpacking.

And well, finally everyday I'm thinking in something new to do but things happen too. They are out of our hands, so we don't know what can be happening in a while.

Video II. A job I would like to do in the future.

Here's the video. I tried to do my best. ❆