viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

My future job

Most of the time I wonder if I'll be able to work on what I want or how I'm gonna start. Do I really need a point of my life to know if that's the time to start working on what I want? Because I've worked in other things, but that's not the same.

The job that I would like to have is giving dance classes. I think maybe I'd teach in small groups on my city. Expand this kind of classes from small places to big ones it's a goal that needs to be achieved. I'd love if people understand that movement classes are for themselves, for their body, for their healthy and you don't have to be ashamed about what other people think, do it for yourself. I think that's the message that i would share. After that, I would like to study abroad and try to look for a job in a dance company to increase my knowledge and bring it to my city to share. Because when I saw someone giving classes of things that someone few know it makes me very happy. It makes me think that there is people trying to expand the dance knowledge.

Maybe the salary isn't good in Chile for arts in general, but I have to create contacts and networks. Arts are collective. So we have to support each other. It wil depend directly on what i do. 

But first of all i have to finish my program after all the dreams that i said before. I'm still thinking about what major I would like to take. There are 2 ooptions. Pedagogy and interpretation. I like both. For now I'm thinking in taking the first one because it isn't easy to teach. But if you have motivation to learn and share, and you as a student see that in your teacher, you know that it's a good one.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello vivi! i am very happy to know that you would also like to teach. It is a difficult field but I know you can do it! <3

  2. You are absolutely right that the salary in Chile is not the best if you dedicate yourself to the arts, but I think it is necessary that we do our best to change it and that people take the importance it has, good luck in your plans!!

  3. If you are already feeling like doing classes, do them! You have all the tools and skills you need to do them. As you say, starting with your city is already starting with something, from my experience the only way to "be ready" to do it is by doing it, I would love to take your classes <33333

  4. I think the same, artists must support each other and create together, until the system changes!

  5. Hello friend! I think it is necessary to decentralize the dance and take it to all the small towns of Chile.


Video II. A job I would like to do in the future.

Here's the video. I tried to do my best. ❆