domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2020

Postgraduate Studies

I have to admit that when i read the instructions of what we have to do in this post, I went blank. I honestly didn't know what to do becaus i haven't thougth in a postgraduate course yet. I was just thinking about finishing my program. 

And I started looking for information about this. I found different pages from other countries that recommend these courses, but none of them caught my attention. I trie to look for one that was related with dance and the health of the body. But long time ago I was considering study kinesiology after this program and focus this area on the care of dancers. Maybe later I'll find some postgraduate course with those characteristics, but i'm going to focus on this to write here.

I want to study that program or something related with that because intrigues me so much. I really want to know more about how the body internally works. With my experience there are few people specialized on a dancers body. It works differently than an athlete. But well, I tried to do something. I prefer to study in Chile or travel to a country that speaks spanish because I think that health's area is difficult to understant in another language. And a subject that I would like to study is "Neuroscience". I would like to know how the brain works on the body. And finally I would like to have this course on site. but with this stiuation I prefer the online system for theorical subject and on site for practical things.

We don't know what will happen in the future, so as I said at the beginning, I want to finish my program first.

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2020

Video I. A subject that I enjoyed at school.

Here’s the video. I hope you understand the things that I tried to say. I did my best.

My future job

Most of the time I wonder if I'll be able to work on what I want or how I'm gonna start. Do I really need a point of my life to know if that's the time to start working on what I want? Because I've worked in other things, but that's not the same.

The job that I would like to have is giving dance classes. I think maybe I'd teach in small groups on my city. Expand this kind of classes from small places to big ones it's a goal that needs to be achieved. I'd love if people understand that movement classes are for themselves, for their body, for their healthy and you don't have to be ashamed about what other people think, do it for yourself. I think that's the message that i would share. After that, I would like to study abroad and try to look for a job in a dance company to increase my knowledge and bring it to my city to share. Because when I saw someone giving classes of things that someone few know it makes me very happy. It makes me think that there is people trying to expand the dance knowledge.

Maybe the salary isn't good in Chile for arts in general, but I have to create contacts and networks. Arts are collective. So we have to support each other. It wil depend directly on what i do. 

But first of all i have to finish my program after all the dreams that i said before. I'm still thinking about what major I would like to take. There are 2 ooptions. Pedagogy and interpretation. I like both. For now I'm thinking in taking the first one because it isn't easy to teach. But if you have motivation to learn and share, and you as a student see that in your teacher, you know that it's a good one.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

What are you really into?

I was thinking that all my days were like a routine, because sometimes it makes me feel better. But sometimes that routine makes me feel bored too. So I tried to experiment different things around my house (it didn't work)

I've enjoyed cooking vegan recipies, but more than cooking, knowing the nutritional intake of the food. How can I eat it and how all the ingredients helps to me to make me feel stronger. Because you can be vegan but that doesn't mean that all the food is healthy. You have to educate yourself as much as you can and you'll realize that it's easier than you thought. There are things that all the people should know about food, where it comes from, how it is produced, what are all the things that appears on the labels, how to read the nutritional table and why it's better use natural things buying to local workers if you can or using the food that you can find in your home or just cook and grow your own vegetables and fruits. 

How you feed is very important on how you live and how you are conscious of what it is around you. Only your actions will change things. Choosing your food is political.

Video II. A job I would like to do in the future.

Here's the video. I tried to do my best. ❆